Close up of pair of hands

Hand Care Tips for Sensitive Hands

When winter sets in, or you find yourself performing manual tasks on a regular basis, you may find that your hands start to suffer - with itching, irritation, and dry patches a common problem among people of all ages and lifestyles.

Primary symptoms include flaking skin, rough patches, a feeling of tightness when you open and close your fingers, and a leathery appearance - and while lotions and products can help to soothe these symptoms, combatting the problem at the source is by far the best way to give your hands a break. 

But why do our hands suffer so much more than the rest of our body? It all comes down to the sheer amount of use and movement our hands go through every day, with the consistent levels of use meaning that our hands are not able to maintain adequate levels of hydration.

It is also our hands that are most likely to come into contact with harmful ingredients and irritants on a regular basis - exacerbating and making the problem worse. 

Keep reading to discover some of our tips for caring for sensitive hands all year round. 

When Washing Up

If you don’t have a dishwasher or prefer to wash certain items by hand, you will likely find that your hands are often coated in washing up liquid. And while this is an effective cleaning product, it is not something that benefits the sensitive skin on your hands.

Wearing gloves will provide a much needed barrier between your skin and the irritants in washing up liquid - ensuring that the product does not strip the moisture from your hands. 

When Gardening and Doing Chores

Gardening, chores, and regular cleaning can all create a wear and tear effect on your hands which is difficult to manage. Again, wearing gloves can provide a protective barrier between your hands and your daily tasks. 

When Washing Your Hands

Woman washing her hands

Avoid bars of soap and liquid soaps which are drying, and instead focus on products which use only natural ingredients. This is the safest way to ensure that the soap will not have a negative impact on your skin. 

When They Start to Feel Sore or Irritated

Time to switch up your products and try to identify the cause of the problem! If you have recently starting using a new soap or hand cream, then try avoiding it for a few days and see if it helps.

It is also important to remember that your hands come into contact with a multitude of products that aren’t designed or purchased with hand care in mind - for example when you use your hands to apply make up and other lotions to your body or hair. Be conscious of what you are using and the impact it could be having on your hands.  

Find out if you Have an Allergy

If you are finding yourself constantly combatting sensitive and dry skin on your hands, you might find that there is something bigger going on beneath the surface. Eliminate products and foods to see if you can identify an allergy to something specifics and select only the purest and simplest skincare products which you try to define and identify the cause. You can also see a Doctor if the effects are becoming debilitating or affecting your life. 

Every Day

Moisturise - ideally after each instance where your hands have been submerged in water or coated with soap or cleaning products. This will restore any lost moisture and ensure that you are always managing the health of your hands rather than trying to fix them. Remember, prevention is better than a cure! 

If you’re not sure what kind of moisturiser to use, a natural or eco-friendly hand care cream will likely be a safe bet - check our website for the full range of Simply Gentle products. 

What to Avoid

Steer clear of ingredients that you don’t understand, can’t read, or which you know can cause irritation to sensitive skin. Ingredients like SLS, alcohols and preservatives are all known irritants. 

It is also a good idea to avoid moving from extreme temperatures too often, as this can exacerbate a sensitive skin condition. Going from freezing temperatures to warm ones can strip moisture away from the skin and create further itching and irritation - so try to keep your hands warm even when outside in winter, to avoid the effect of changing temperatures. 

Our hands are a huge part of our everyday life and living with sensitive skin and irritation can be both challenging and upsetting.

Whether you suffer from dry and sensitive skin on your hands during the winter months or all year round, protecting them with this list of ideas can help you to manage the problem and keep your hands as soft and supple as possible. 

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